Rdr 2 настройка графики панель nvidia

Red Dead Redemption 2: Best NVidia Control Panel Settings

The Nvidia Control Panel offers control over the driver’s graphics settings and various other features. If you have an NVidia GPU in your PC build or gaming laptop and play Red Dead Redemption 2, then you need to have the best NVidia Control Panel graphics settings for Red Dead Redemption 2.

If you don’t optimize your NVidia Control Panel settings, you miss out on FPS improvements, graphics quality improvements, and lower latency in Red Dead Redemption 2.

When you first install the Nvidia Control Panel on your computer(Or it gets installed automatically by Windows updates), all graphics settings are already preconfigured by Nvidia. But that doesn’t mean that they are the best for your system.

Don’t worry; in this post, I will go in-depth on how to properly configure and optimize your Nvidia Control Panel settings to achieve the maximum performance possible, boost your FPS, have less input lag, and fix shuttering, flickering, and fps drops in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Before you optimize the Nvidia Control panel settings for Red Dead Redemption 2, I highly recommend uninstalling any previous drivers and downloading and installing the right Nvidia driver for Red Dead Redemption 2 on your computer. If you are unsure which driver you should get, you can check out my list of the best NVidia drivers for each game, including Red Dead Redemption 2.

Best NVidia Control Panel Settings for Red Dead Redemption 2

Assuming you installed the best NVidia driver for Red Dead Redemption 2, you can go to your Desktop, Right-click, and then select “NVidia Control Panel” to open up the panel itself, where you can adjust all the NVidia settings.

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To automatically update your drivers, download the free version of DriverBooster or follow my comprehensive guide on NVidia Control Panel if you want to do it manually.

Best NVidia Control Panel 3D Settings for Red Dead Redemption 2

Click on the “Use the advanced 3D image settings” option, and click Apply.

Then move to “Manage 3D settings” tab. Below I will go through all the settings one by one.

Image Scaling

Image Scaling replaced the old option called Image Sharpening. Image Scaling will downscale the resolution and then sharpen the image in Red Dead Redemption 2. It reminds me of DLSS, but it’s not even close. Just keep it disabled.

Recommendation: OFF.

Ambient Occlusion

Keep it off on the NVidia Control Panel, and if you want to enable it, do it through the Red Dead Redemption 2 settings. It makes the shadows look a little better, but it’s not worth it.

Recommendation: Off

Anisotropic Filtering

Turn it off here and enable it in Red Dead Redemption 2 if needed. It makes everything sharper, more precise and looks better.

If you enable it on the NVidia Control Panel and start noticing weird graphics in Red Dead Redemption 2, come back to the NVidia settings and disable it.

Recommendation: Off

Antialiasing – FXAA

Budget” less FPS taxing anti-aliasing option. Keep it off.

Recommendation: Off

Antialiasing – Gamma correction

Almost every modern game, including Red Dead Redemption 2 has Gamma Correction already enabled. Useless setting; keep it off.

Recommendation: Off

Antialiasing – Mode

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As I said above, keep it OFF and enable it in Red Dead Redemption 2 if you want it ON.

Recommendation: Off

Antialiasing – Setting

Recommendation: None

Antialiasing – Transparency

Doe’s nothing in Red Dead Redemption 2, so keep it off.

Recommendation: Off

Background Application Max Frame Rate

If you are in a game and you alt+tab out Red Dead Redemption 2, then having this setting set will cap the FPS when you tab out. But it only works for Windowed mode or Borderless. If you are playing on full-screen, this setting will not work.

Recommendation: Off

If you have only one GPU, you can skip this setting. If you have multiple GPUs, select the most powerful one because if you run a GPU-accelerated application that uses CUDA, it will come and use that specific one.

Recommendation: All

DSR – Factors

Dynamic Super Resolution(DSR) should be set to OFF unless you know what you are doing.

Recommendation: Off

DSR – Smoothness

Recommendation: Off

Low Latency Mode

Turn it OFF in the NVidia Control Panel and turn it ON in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Recommendation: High-Medium systems, turn OFF. For low-end systems, try ON / Ultra and see which one works best.

Max Frame Rate

There are many more efficient ways to cap your maximum frame rate, so there is no reason to use this one. In most modern games, including Red Dead Redemption 2, you can cap your FPS via Red Dead Redemption 2’s settings.

Recommendation: Off

Preferred Refresh Rate

Recommendation: Highest available for the smoothest experience in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Multi-Frame Sampled AA (MFAA)

Recommendation: Off

OpenGL rendering GPU

Recommendation: Choose your NVIDIA GPU

Power management mode

Recommendation: Prefer maximum performance

Shader Cache Size

Recommendation: Driver Default

Texture filtering – Anisotropic sample optimization

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Recommendation: ON

Texture filtering – Negative LOD bias

Recommendation: Allow

Texture filtering – Quality

Recommendation: High performance

Texture filtering – Trilinear optimization

Recommendation: On

Threaded optimization

Recommendation: On

Triple buffering

Recommendation: Off

Vertical sync

Recommendation: Off

Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames

Recommendation: 1

A quick sum up of the best NVidia Settings for Red Dead Redemption 2

Below is a brief summary of the best NVidia settings we discussed above in case you want to copy/paste them.

  • Image Scaling – Off
  • Ambient Occlusion – Off
  • Anisotropic Filtering – Off
  • Antialiasing – Off
  • Antialiasing – Off
  • Antialiasing Mode – Off
  • Antialiasing Transparency – Off
  • Background Application Max Frame Rate: Off
  • CUDA GPUs – All
  • DSR Factors – Off
  • Low Latency Mode – Depends
  • Max Frame Rate – Off
  • Preferred Refresh Rate: Highest Available
  • Multi-Frame Sampled AA – Off
  • OpenGL Rendering GPU – Main GPU
  • Power-Management Mode – Prefer Maximum Performance
  • Shader Cache Size – Driver Default
  • Texture Filtering-Anisotropic sample optimization – On
  • Texture Filtering – Negative LOD Bias – Allow
  • Texture Filtering – Quality – High Performance
  • Texture Filtering – Trilinear Optimization – On
  • Threaded optimization – On
  • Triple buffering – Off
  • Vertical Sync – Off
  • Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames: 1

Other FPS Improvements for Red Dead Redemption 2

If you are looking for other ways to have the best possible gaming experience in Red Dead Redemption 2, you can check out my guides on boosting FPS in Red Dead Redemption 2.


Please note that these settings may not be appropriate for every person on this planet, and we all have different playstyles and preferences regarding quality and performance. To summarize, the above NVidia settings are intended for gamers who want the absolute best performance possible in Red Dead Redemption 2.


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