Project zomboid как включить админ панель

Руководство по включению админ-панели в Project Zomboid

В Project Zomboid есть возможность включить админ-панель, которая позволяет использовать возможности администратора, спавнить предметы, телепортироваться в любую точку карты и многое другое. В этом руководстве мы расскажем, как её включить.

Для начала вам нужно убедиться, что вы находитесь на собственном сервере для мультиплеера, так как в одиночной игре админ-панель включить нельзя. Можно играть и одному, но обязательно начинать игру через создание сервера из меню «Свой сервер».

Для того чтобы наделить персонажа (ваш аккаунт Steam на конкретном сервере) правами админа, вам для начала нужно открыть простой чат, по умолчанию это делается на клавишу Enter. В чате нужно написать фразу, которую можно увидеть на скриншоте ниже, но вы можете скопировать пример отсюда, однако не забудьте поставь свой никнейм вместо «Мой ник» — кавычки при этом не убирайте!

  • /setaccesslevel — команда для выдачи прав;
  • «Мой ник» — поставьте сюда ваш никнейм из игры, кавычки не убирайте;
  • admin — уровень прав доступа администратора.

Ваше сообщение в чате должно выглядеть следующим образом:

/setaccesslevel «Мой ник» admin

Админ-панель — это отличный инструмент для настроек мира на ходу, а также проверки работоспособности недавно установленных модификаций, но явно не лучший помощник для упрощения игрового процесса, ибо вся суть Project Zomboid заключается в сложности, и том, как вы её преодолеваете.


Project zomboid как включить админ панель

Having just struggled with this a bit, here’s the answer:

To grant yourself admin powers, type the following WITH QUOTES:

/setaccesslevel «YOUR NAME» admin

If you are hosting a dedicated server, type this into the server window (no slash necessary); if you are hosting non-dedicated (i.e. click the Host button from the title screen), type it into chat while playing.

The tricky thing is that YOUR NAME can be either your Steam name, e.g. «Lord Licorice», or the in-game shortened/truncated version that floats above your head, e.g. «LordLicorice». It varies depending if you’re non-dedicated or dedicated, and both variants will still tell you that it worked even if it didn’t so keep trying. If your Steam name has weird characters in the handle, you might need to change it.

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When done correctly, you’ll get a new icon on the upper left-hand screen under your quick icons, SERVER. This will give you a bunch of buttons for various things like controlling the weather or changing settings. You’ll also be able to affect specific players by hitting ESC and going to the Players menu, e.g. Teleport To or GodMode. You’ll also have a slew of new contextual commands when you right-click an object, e.g. CHEAT->Remove Vehicle to despawn a vehicle.

Last but not least: If you are trying to reset a player’s password, select See Database, go to the Whitelist, and delete their entry. They should now be able to log into that character with a new password.

Edit: Oh, and it’ll probably make you invisible, invulnerable, and no longer hungry, thirsty, or tired. Use /setaccesslevel «YOUR NAME» none to return yourself to mortal form.


Project zomboid как включить админ панель

So you have to be Hosting a multiplayer server, even if you’re just solo. Once in the game how to activate command(s) is by opening the chat panel.
Once there you just start typing.

Make sure you have «/» in front of the command.
It should look like this : «/setaccesslevel yourname admin»
**Make sure to add quotes («) around your name**

IE: /setaccesslevel «Bob» admin
If your name was bob.

Side note. If you have special characters in your steam name, make sure to copy your steam name from your profile and paste it.

IE: /setaccesslevel «Bob♥» admin

**Note. The game doesnt show the «♥». It will show as nothing, but the game does register it exists.**

So you have to be Hosting a multiplayer server, even if you’re just solo. Once in the game how to activate command(s) is by opening the chat panel.
Once there you just start typing.

Make sure you have «/» in front of the command.
It should look like this : «/setaccesslevel yourname admin»
**Make sure to add quotes («) around your name**

IE: /setaccesslevel «Bob» admin
If your name was bob.

Side note. If you have special characters in your steam name, make sure to copy your steam name from your profile and paste it.

IE: /setaccesslevel «Bob♥» admin

**Note. The game doesnt show the «♥». It will show as nothing, but the game does register it exists.**

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Project zomboid как включить админ панель

You can customize for yourself some params in start server script file of your PZ dedicated server (startserver64.bat or And I will explain how:

For set amout of RAM you need edit next params in script file (file located in folder of Project Zomboid dedicated server):
1. Remove -Xms**g param
2. Change -Xmx16g param, where 16 — is amount of RAM for your server.

How much need RAM? 2Gb for start + 500Mb per player (ex. 2 + 10*0.5 = 7Gb for 10 players)

IMPORTANT: For set RAM on Linux system need change this params in ProjectZomboid64.json too!

Disables/enables Steam integration on client/server.
(0=disabled, 1=enabled)

Also you can add params to script after
. -statistic 0 -adminusername Aiteron -adminpassword 12345

Set cache dir for server (by default used default Zomboid folder)

. Maybe for splitscreen param

Disable log for DebugType. (Full list check in DebugType.class)

Enable log for DebugType

-adminusername Aiteron
Set admin username

-adminpassword 12345
Set admin password

Set ip for server

Turn off steam integration

-statistic N
Set statistic period

-port 16300
Set port for server

-steamport1 8888
Set first steam port

-steamport2 9999
Set second steam port

-steamvac true
Enable/disable steam VAC (anticheat). Not worked now

-servername AiteronServer
Set server name. By this param you can choose other server settings files (by default servertest)

This commands you can run from ingame console, start server console or by RCON

Add all the current users who are connected with a password to the whitelist, so their account is protected.

/additem «username» «module.item» count
Give an item to a player. If no username is given then you will receive item. Count is optional.
ex : /additem «Aiteron» «Base.Axe» 5

/adduser «username» «pwd»
Use this command to add a new user to a whitelisted server
ex: /adduser «Aiteron» «12345»

/addusertowhitelist «username»
Add a user connected with a password to the whitelist, so their account is protected

/addvehicle «script» «user or x,y,z»
Spawn a vehicle
ex: /addvehicle «Base.VanAmbulance» «rj»»

/addxp «playername» perkname=xp
Give experience points to a player.
ex: /addxp «rj» Woodwork=2

Sound a building alarm at the Admin’s position. (Must be in a room.)

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/banid SteamID
Ban a SteamID

/banuser «username» -ip -r «reason»
Ban a user. Add a -ip to also ban the IP. Add a -r «reason» to specify a reason for the ban.
ex: /banuser «rj» -ip -r «spawn kill»

/changeoption optionName «newValue»
Change a server option

Place a helicopter event on a random player

Displays information on all connections

/createhorde count «username»
Spawn a horde near a player.
ex: /createhorde 150 «rj»
(username is optional except from the server console)

/godmode «username» -value
Make a player invincible. If no username is set, then you will become invincible.
ex: /godmode «rj» -true (could be -false)

Set admin for player

Place gunshot sounds on a random player

List of command with descriptions

/invisible «username» -value
Make a player invisible to zombies. If no username is set then you will become invisible.
ex: /invisible «rj» -true (could be -false)

/kickuser «username» -r «reason»
Kick a user. Add a -r «reason» to specify a reason for the kick

/noclip «username» -value
Makes a player pass through walls and structures. Toggles with no value.
ex: /noclip «rj» -true (could be -false)

List all connected players

Save and quit the server

Release a safehouse you own

/reloadlua «filename»
Reload a Lua script

Reload server options (ServerOptions.ini) and send to the clients

Set player not admin

/removeuserfromwhitelist «username»
Remove a user from the whitelist

/replay «playername» -record|-play|-stop filename
Record and play replay for moving player.
ex: /replay «Aiteron» -record stadion.bin

Save the current world

Toggle sending server performance info to this client. Use: /sendpulse

/servermsg «My message»
Broadcast a message to all connected players

/setaccesslevel «username» «accesslevel»
Set access level of a player. Current levels: admin, moderator, overseer, gm, observer.
ex: /setaccesslevel «rj» «moderator»

Show the list of current server options and values.

Start rain on the server

Stop rain on the server

/tp «playername» or /tp «player1» «player2»
Teleport to a player. Once teleported, wait two seconds for map to appear.
ex: /tp «rj»
ex: /tp «rj» «toUser»

/tpto x,y,z
Teleport to coordinates. Use:
ex /teleportto 100098,189980,0

/thunder value
Control thunder
ex: /thunder start
ex: /thunder stop

/unbanid SteamID
Unban a SteamID

/unbanuser «username»
Unban a player

/voiceban «username» -value
Block voice from user «username».
ex: /voiceban «rj» -true (could be -false)


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