Assassins creed origins панель управления анимусом как открыть

Assassins creed origins панель управления анимусом как открыть

Once upon a time, AC origins had an Animus control panel functionality (ACP). It allowed you to customise your gaming experience. For example, you could make assassinations guaranteed kills, have almost infinite HP, have infinite arrows/tools, never desync when killing civilians and cats, change day/night cycle length, make you and/or NPCs take damage during sandstorms, have more than 1 animal tamed, etc etc.

Unfortunately, Ubisoft did not future-proof this ACP. When the launcher changed from Uplay to UbiConnect, we no longer have access to ACP. But there is still a way to access and customise your game and I will tell you how.

I am making this guide to let it be seen by more people, because I think ACP is a very fun functionality. There are always settings you can change that make your playthrough more interesting for you.

> Firstly, launch your game to the main menu, follow the on-screen instructions to duplicate a savegame with ACP enabled. Load into that save, make sure you now have control over your character (Bayek).

> Then minimise the game, navigate to your PC’s «Documents» folder, there should be a file in that folder called «ACP.ini». Cannot find ACP.ini? See the next section.

> Open the file with windows Notepad, make sure your game is still running in the background. You can now edit all ACP settings in that .ini file.

> Save the changes you made to the .ini file, go back to your game and all your ACP changes should have taken effect.

You do not need to open or edit the .ini file everytime you launch the game. You just need to do it once and after that everytime you load into the ACP savefile your changes will still be in-effect.

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FIrstly, the Steam version ACP.ini file should be in your «Documents» folder directly, not the «Documents» > «Assassin’s Creed Origins» folder, make sure you are checking the correct folder!

Secondly, make sure you have created an animus hacked savegame and have loaded into that savefile at least once before checking the .ini file.

If you still cannot find the file, I have posted the content of the file here. You can simply create a new Notepad file and rename it to ACP.ini.

Alternatively, PM me and I will send you mine. Please also leave a comment here so I understand the purpose of your friend invite. Thank you.

Content of the ACP.ini file:

NPCHealthFactor = 100
PlayerUnderwaterBreathConsumptionMultiplier = 100
PlayerHealthFactor = 100
NPCAttackActionDurationMultiplier = 100
VehiclesHealthFactor = 100
NPCRangedDamageFactor = 100
DevastatingAttackDamageFactor = 100
MaxPurchasableSkillsNumberEnabled = false
DesyncOnKillEnabled = false
PlayerRangedDamageFactor = 100
AdrenalineGaugeMultiplier = 100
PlayerArrowIntactChance = 3
NPCMeleeDamageFactor = 100
PlayerMeleeDamageFactor = 100
NPCDamageInSandstormInsideDPS = 10
RebelsLevelScale = 0
PlayerDamageInSandstormInterval = 0
PlayerAssassinationDamageFactor = 100
FireDamageFactor = 100
PlayerBowQuiverSizeMultiplier = 100
DamageFactorWhenUsingVehicles = 100
PtolemaicLevelScale = 0
PlayerBowQuiverSizeInfinite = false
FarHorizontalFOVAngleMultiplier = 100
NPCHurtboxScaleFactor = 100
PlayerToolPouchSizeMultiplier = 100
PlayerMovementSpeedMultiplier = 100
MaxAmountOfTamedAnimals = 1
PlayerToolPouchSizeInfinite = false
WorldMapUnfogged = false
DayNightTime = 0
BallistaInfiniteAmmoEnabled = false
AssassinAnimalPredatorsRelations = 0
BallistaDamageFactor = 100
OverheatValueAdditionMultiplier = 100
PlayerRegenerationDelayMultiplier = 100
RomansRebelsRelations = 0
BoatCollisionDamageMultiplier = 100
RomansBanditsRelations = 0
PlayerMaxLevelEnabled = false
PlayerMaxLevel = 40
CanAcquireAllSkills = false
MaxPurchasableSkillsNumber = 57
PlayerExperienceGainingMultiplier = 100
AllNPCLevelScale = 0
PlayerUnderwaterSpeedMultiplier = 100
RomanLevelScale = 0
RebelsBanditsRelations = 0
BanditsLevelScale = 0
AnimalLevelScale = 0
PlayerHitboxScaleFactor = 100
PtolemaicBanditsRelations = 0
StressLevelDecrementationSpeedModifier = 100
ConflictRangeMultiplier = 100
NPCHitboxScaleFactor = 100
DesyncOnAssassinationEnabled = false
NPCMovementSpeedMultiplier = 100
CivilianAndCatsDesynchRuleDisabled = true
PlayableCharacterIndex = 20
InvestigationRangeMultiplier = 100
FarRangeMultiplier = 100
InvestigationNavigationSpeed = 4
AssassinPtolemaicRelations = 0
AssassinCiviliansRelations = 0
AssassinRomansRelations = 0
AssassinBanditsRelations = 0
AssassinRebelsRelations = 0
AssassinAnimalDefensiveRelations = 0
PtolemaicRomansRelations = 0
PtolemaicRebelsRelations = 0
AdrenalineAbilityEnabled = true
PerpetualAdrenalineEnabled = false
DeadlyAssassinationEnabled = false
AssassinationEnabled = true
DayPeriodTimeModifier = 100
DayPeriodsMorningDuration = 6
DayPeriodsMiddayDuration = 12
DayPeriodsAfternoonDuration = 6
DayPeriodsNightDuration = 12
SandstormBaseProbability = 0
SandstormCooldownFactor = 100
SandstormLifetimeFactor = 1
SandstormSpeedFactor = 100
DesyncInSandstormEnabled = false
DesyncOnAssassinationNumber = 3
DesyncOnAssassinationCooldownTime = 60
DesyncOnKillNumber = 3
DesyncOnKillCooldownTime = 60
PlayerDamageInSandstormEnabled = false
PlayerDamageInSandstormLightDPS = 1
PlayerDamageInSandstormHeavyDPS = 5
PlayerDamageInSandstormInsideDPS = 10
NPCDamageInSandstormEnabled = false
NPCDamageInSandstormInterval = 0
NPCDamageInSandstormLightDPS = 1
NPCDamageInSandstormHeavyDPS = 5
WorldMapEnabled = true
AllWorldMapIconsRevealed = false
ProbabilityOfLootModifier = 100
PostProcessFilterEnabled = false
PostProcessFilterSettings = 3
PostProcessCustomFilmGrain = 0
PostProcessCustomVignette = 0
PostProcessCustomBrightness = 1
PostProcessCustomTemperature = 0
PostProcessCustomTint = 0
PostProcessCustomSaturation = 0
PostProcessCustomFilterIndex = 0
DamageInSandstorm = 0.000000

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> xxx levelscale = 0. Changes how much that faction scales relative to your character. Can be a value between -50 to 50.(not sure) For example: PtolemaicLevelScale = 50 means all pharaoh soldiers will always be 50 levels higher than you.

> PlayerBowQuiverSizeInfinite = false and PlayerToolPouchSizeInfinite = false. Can be true or false. If set to «true», you will have infinite arrows and/or tools.

> PlayerMovementSpeedMultiplier = 100. Changes how fast your character moves on foot. Max value is 1000 (not sure)

> MaxAmountOfTamedAnimals = 1. Changes how many animals you can tame at once (requires the correct skills unlocked). Max value is 5.

> WorldMapUnfogged = false. If set to «true», the whole map will be unfogged. Once that happens, you cannot revert the change (not sure)

> XY relations = 0. Changes the relationship between faction X and faction Y. For example: «RomansRebelsRelations = 0» changes the relationship between roman soldiers and rebels. Can be a value between 0 and 3. 0 is default relationship. 1-3 can be allies, neutral and hostile, though I forgot which is which.

> StressLevelDecrementationSpeedModifier = 100 changes how fast enemies give up searching you. Max value is 1000 (not sure)

> ConflictRangeMultiplier = 100 changes how far enemies can see you. Not sure what the max value is.

> InvestigationRangeMultiplier = 100 changes how far enemies search range is. Not sure what the max value is

> CivilianAndCatsDesynchRuleDisabled = true changes your desync rule. If set to «true», you will desync after killing 3 civilians or cats. If «false», you can become a mass murderer.

> PlayableCharacterIndex = 20. Changes your playable character. Can be a value between 0 and 20, though you need to figure out which is which. List of controllable characters: (potential spoiler?)
Abstergo Trooper
The Duelist
Bandit Warrior
Son of Ra
Bandit Archer
Nubian Soldier
Roman Scout
Roman Soldier
Greek Soldier

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> PerpetualAdrenalineEnabled = false. If «true», you have infinite adrenaline

> DeadlyAssassinationEnabled = false. If «true», you assassinations are guaranteed to be lethal.

> PlayerExperienceGainingMultiplier = 100 changes how fast you can gain XP. Max value is 100, meaning this setting can only reduce your XP gain.

All other settings are either not commonly requested or are very intuitive. Good luck.


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